Tuesday 22 January 2013

Never mind Skyfall, Snowfall is dramatic enough for me!

I love the atmospheric state that accompanies snowfall. The soft, silent, suspended stillness that descends and surrounds us as the country is brought to a standstill, through the innocuous intervention of soft, slippery, snow i.e. water. Who would have believed that such softness could halt the wheels of industry and society? The stillness, the quiet, the confinement, as the momentum of rushing-on history is brought to a pregnant pause, despite the protestations of our habitual comfortable lives. Don’t in those long, still moments of seeming nothingness think that there is nothing going on! A balance point when history is brought to a halt, life may be reset, and a fresh new future can gain entry. Such is the nature of winter. So what is really going on?
We need to look with different eyes; eyes that can appreciate and accept that life is more than a mechanism; it’s an organism! We need to look with eyes that can appreciate the wholeness of life, with all its seen and unseen participants. Not settle to the carnal view from the eyes of the mechanic in us that can only see the things of its level; the mechanism. Not for nothing does mechanic begin with 'me'; everything is assimilated from its level; its personal view. It’s the mechanic in us that thinks that life, accidents and coincidences are mere random acts that have no greater meaning, significance or cause. Life is bigger than us! We need to acknowledge that all that we can see is outplay or precipitate from the realms of causative life, that are mostly unseen. We need to open our minds, open our eyes and admit that life is much more than we can currently see. That admission might just then, allow in a bigger picture.
There is a casually quoted expression abroad in the world: “Seeing is believing.” Which says that we should only believe in something when we can see it ‘for real’ outside of ourselves. Well, if that is true, then we are subject to the precedence of history and the state of the world that already exists. I cannot agree that the magnificent capabilities of our human design are made for us to be subject to the degenerate state that we are born into. We are born with extraordinary faculties that can upgrade planetary life, such as imagination, belief, consciousness and decision. We humans can be agents of planetary change; if we live according to the expression “Believing is seeing.” Vision is not just a gathering process of what we see outside of us, but is also an inner to outer human life generation. We can generate vision and belief such that our inner visions can become reality out into the world. Our planet is dependant on us to do this.
Heat rises in the carnal worlds but in the unseen worlds things work the other way around. Heat is a mark of low unseen worlds at play but cold atmospheres are associated with the high unseen worlds that motivate and energise the more carnal levels of life. There are some very high forces coming into this country through this current period of intense cold. We would be wise to try to befriend and be with them.
I remember that 50 years ago this country was brought to a standstill by a winter of bitter cold and snow. I remember how as children we all took spades and shovels into school to help in breaking up and clearing the rock-like ice that covered the playground and everything. I guess that Health and Safety rules wouldn’t allow that today? The country was frozen for months: I wonder what came into this country during those few bitter cold months? Was it the high fuel that later expressed itself in the brilliance, creativity and outrageous liberation throughout the decade of the sixties? What does it say about what is coming in now? 

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